Reunion Updates

Posted on 6 May 2010 | 0 Comments

As you've undoubtedly noticed our photo galleries have been down for awhile. The pictures are back up now but without the captions.  It will take a few more days to complete that part of the process.  Thanks for your patience.

Just a reminder to make your hotel reservations for the reunion.  The Marriott has a block of rooms reserved for us, but it would be a good idea to book soon so that if we need to reserve more rooms we can do that to make sure everyone is accommodated.  The good news is that Marriott has reduced the rate they quoted us from $99 per night to $85.  Make sure when you call the hotel that you indicate that you are part of the DHS Reunion.

Bio forms continue to come in, and again we encourage you to fill out the form even though the due date of April 1st given in the Information Packet has passed.  We set an early due date because there is a lot of work entailed in compiling the booklet.  However, we now have a good jump on things, so please don't hesitate to respond.  Also, don't forget to send along your current picture.  This has been an exciting project, and we're sure you will be pleased with the end result--especially if we get returns from everyone.

The due date for reserving your place at the reunion dinner/dance is June 1st.  It's rapidly approaching, so a gentle nudge to send your response form and check to Ruth Sironen Ciser 1448 York Street, Mahwah, NJ 07430.  Please fill out the form even if you will not be attending.

Over the past months, the reunion committee has had the great pleasure of "talking" to many of our class members through e-mail, by phone or by receipt of thoughtful notes tucked in with form returns.  There has been a wonderful sense that, despite the years, we are still classmates and old friends that can fall easily into conversation--a really nice harbinger for our reunion weekend!